Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marker Holder

This is a Marker Holder that was demonstrated at Convention for us. It takes 2 pieces of Stampin' Up! Fabric (16 inches by 11 1/2 inches. Cut out the fabric and then iron on some Fabric Adhesive on one piece and then iron the 2nd piece of fabric on to that layer. With the pinking shears go around the whole piece of fabric. Fold the bottom up 4 1/2 inches and iron down. Mark lines 1 inch with a Blue Marker from the Fabric Shop. Sew on the lines up to the top of the folded material. Attach 33 inches of ribbon. Sew ribbon on back of material, add markers, and then fold top of material down over the markers and wrap ribbon around the markers. So easy to take with you to a class!!

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